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Reiki Classes

Many people first become interested in learning how to use Reiki after experiencing the healing benefits it has to offer. The wonderful thing is that anyone can learn how to use Reiki.

Reiki courses are run regularly throughout the year with a maximum of 4 participants per course. Upon completion of each course, students will be provided with a manual of all material covered and a certificate of attainment. Students undergoing training will continue to have direct access to me as your ongoing Reiki Master Teacher.


Level 1/First Degree Reiki



During this course you will receive a series of attunements, opening up your energy channels to Reiki, which enables the energy to flow through you. You will be taught the specific hand positions required for self-treatment and the treatment of others. The main focus at this level is personal development through daily self-practice, which brings balance to your life and allows you to feel the flow of  Reiki for yourself and when treating friends, family members and pets.


Level 2/Second Degree Reiki


Level 2 builds on the foundations of First degree Reiki. You will further develop many of the skills previously taught. You will be introduced to 3 symbols; the power symbol, the mental/emotional symbol and the distant healing symbol. Each symbol has specific applications and will enhance and focus your use of Reiki. After completion of this level you will be qualified, with practice, to work as a Reiki practitioner should you choose to.

As not everyone feels compelled to teach Reiki to others, I teach the Reiki Master Level in two stages.

Reiki Level 3a Master Reiki Practitioner 



The Master Reiki Practitioner level will introduce you to the Master symbol, mantras and symbology which will deepen and expand your understanding of Dr. Usui’s teachings. You will be taught how to clear and prepare spaces as well as charge objects using Reiki and be shown more advanced treatment and distant healing techniques.

Reiki Level 3b Reiki Master Teacher



The aim of this intensive course is to prepare you so that you are able to train and initiate other Reiki Masters. You will be taught how to perform the attunements required to open others to Reiki, be shown how to teach and be given the hands on experience required to build the confidence you need for this stage of your Reiki training.

"When the student is ready,

the teacher will appear. " 



Advanced Techniques for Reiki Practitioners



This course is designed for practitioners who have already completed Level 2 or above. It covers some of the more advanced meditations, techniques and practices that elevate your practice for your own spiritual growth and the benefit of your clients. 

Crystal Healing courses:

Crystal Healing for Beginners


Crystal Healing for Reiki Practitioners


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